Can an inverter be repaired

Can an Inverter be repaired?

Is possible to repair your faulty solar inverter? Will it need to be replaced? We discuss this as well as common inverter repair issues, costs associated with repairs & how system inspections can save you in the long run.

You’ve spotted a problem – your solar inverter’s green light isn’t shining. That’s your cue to dive into its issues. Is it a simple fix or time for a new one?

This article breaks down common inverter faults, how to diagnose them, and when it’s better to call in the sola repair experts. You’ll also learn about costs, when to consider a system upgrade, and the importance of recycling old inverters.

Let’s make you an inverter repair expert!

Key Takeaways for Repairing Inverters

  • Solar inverters can be repaired but it is important to have a trained professional or manufacturer representative handle the repairs.
  • Resetting the inverter can be attempted by someone with electrical knowledge, but for more complex issues, professional help is necessary.
  • Recording and checking fault codes can help experienced solar repairers determine the repair needs of the inverter.
  • In some cases, replacing the inverter completely may be necessary, and checking the warranty can determine if replacement costs are covered.

Can an inverter be repaired

Identifying the Problem with Your Inverter

  1. Your first step in diagnosing a potential inverter fault is to check for a green operation light on your inverter during daylight hours to see if it’s working properly.
  2. If the light isn’t on, don’t panic yet. Make sure the inverter is properly connected and that there’s no disruption in the power supply.
  3. When it comes to inverter repairs, it’s crucial to know what you’re dealing with. Listen for any unusual noises from the unit, like buzzing or humming. Even subtle changes in performance can be an indicator of an inverter fault.
  4. If you’re still unsure, try resetting your inverter. Sometimes, a simple reset can fix minor issues.

If the problem persists, it’s time to call in the solar inverter repair professionals.

Common Faults and Issues in Solar Power Inverters

Common faults like isolation faults or no grid can cause your solar power system to become non-operational. These are common solar inverter problems that can lead to a significant decrease in energy production or even a complete shutdown of your system.

Isolation faults occur when the DC power in your system makes contact with the earth, often due to a fault in the wiring or a fault in the inverter itself. On the other hand, a no-grid fault indicates that your inverter isn’t able to detect the grid’s voltage. This could be due to a power outage or a problem with your electricity supply.

But don’t worry, many issues with your inverter can be repaired. Solar inverter repairs require a high level of technical knowledge and should be undertaken by a trained professional. They’ll inspect your system, identify the problem, and then carry out the necessary repairs to get your system back up and running.

Preventing Inverter Damage with Regular Checks

Regular system checks are your first line of defence against potential damage to your solar power setup. With the right approach, you can catch issues early, before they escalate into costly repairs or replacements. It’s not just about saving money, but also about maximising your system’s energy production.

To effectively manage your solar power system, consider these key points:

Regular Solar Servicing

  • Don’t underestimate the importance of regular solar servicing. This includes cleaning the panels and checking for any physical damage.
  • A professional service also includes a thorough solar inverter repair check to ensure it’s working efficiently.

Solar System Size

  • Understanding your system size is crucial. A larger system requires more frequent checks, whereas a smaller setup might need less attention.
  • Regardless of the system size, regular checks can help to extend the life of your solar inverter and overall system.

In the end, regular system checks are an investment in your system’s longevity and efficiency. They can help you avoid unexpected repair costs and ensure your system performs optimally.

Next, let’s delve into the lifespan of solar inverters: When should you expect a replacement?

When Should You Replace Your Inverter?

On average, you’d expect to replace your inverter between 10 to 12 years, depending on its make and model. This timeframe, however, isn’t carved in stone. The lifespan of solar inverters can be dramatically shortened due to factors like extreme weather conditions, poor installation, or inadequate maintenance.

Despite diligent care, there’s always a risk of inverter failure. Telltale signs of this include a decrease in energy production, error messages, or the system shutting down altogether. When these occur, it’s time to consider a solar inverter replacement.

When choosing a replacement, keep in mind that all inverters are not created equal. Some models are more durable and efficient than others. It’s crucial to do your research and possibly consult with a solar professional to make the best choice for your specific needs.

Remember, keeping your solar system functional and efficient isn’t just about replacing parts when they fail. It’s also about routine maintenance and inspections to catch potential issues before they lead to system-wide problems.

Now, let’s move on to the next section where we’ll discuss evaluating the need for inverter repair vs. replacement.

Evaluating the Need for Inverter Repair or Replacement

You’re now faced with a crucial decision: Should you fix the existing unit or opt for a brand-new one? This can be a tough call, especially when it involves the heart of your solar system, the inverter. Here are some factors to ponder:

Inverter Age and Condition

  • If your inverter is nearing the end of its expected lifespan and showing signs of wear, inverter replacement might be the more viable option.
  • Conversely, if it’s relatively new, a repair could suffice.

Cost and Efficiency

  • Consider the repair costs versus the price of a new unit – See below in our next section.
  • Also, newer models might offer better efficiency, which could mean long-term savings.

Consistent solar inverter maintenance can prolong the life of your unit, but there will come a time when repair or replacement becomes necessary. It’s important to seek the advice of a solar professional to make an informed decision.

In the end, whether you decide on a repair or a replacement, your goal should be to restore your system’s functionality with minimal disruption and cost. Now, let’s delve into the costs associated with inverter repair and replacement.

Solar Inverter Repair and Replacement Costs

Navigating the costs associated with inverter servicing can seem daunting, but it’s essential to understand these to make informed decisions.

When it comes to repair costs, they often vary based on the complexity of the issue. Minor fixes like replacing an external plug or switch could cost as low as $80 while repairing and reconditioning internal electronics could range from $195 to $450. Additional costs may also apply for the removal and installation of the inverter.

However, sometimes repair isn’t the most cost-effective solution, especially if parts are unavailable or the inverter is outdated. In such cases, exploring replacement options becomes necessary.

The cost of replacing an inverter depends on its size and brand, with a 3-phase inverter typically costing at least $2,500. If you’re considering an upgrade to your system, you’ll need to factor in the cost of a new inverter as well. Remember to check your warranty coverage, as this can significantly reduce these expenses.

Lastly, don’t forget the key role regular solar maintenance plays in preventing costly repairs or replacements in the first place.

Should You Upgrade Your Solar System?

Considering an upgrade to your solar system might be a wise decision if it’s outdated or not meeting your energy needs. As your energy demands evolve, so should your solar system. However, upgrading your solar system isn’t just about swapping out old panels for new ones. It’s a complex process that should be handled by a professional repair service.

Here’s what you need to know:

Solar Inverter Upgrade

  • Your solar inverter, which converts the DC electricity produced by your panels into AC electricity for your home, may need an upgrade. It’s often the first component to fail in a solar system.
  • Consider a system with a newer, more efficient inverter that can handle more energy and last longer.

Solar Repair Inspection

  • Hiring a professional service for the upgrade ensures the job is done correctly and safely.
  • They’ll assess your system, recommend suitable upgrades and handle the installation.

Can you Recycle Old Inverters?

When it’s time to replace your old solar inverter, don’t forget that recycling is an eco-friendly option. If you’ve been experiencing solar inverter faults, it might be time to consider replacement and recycling. Solar inverters, like other electronic devices, contain valuable materials that can be recovered and reused.

First, check with your local waste facilities. Some may offer a special collection for e-waste. There are also specialised recycling services that deal with solar equipment. These services know exactly how to handle, dismantle, and recycle old inverters safely and responsibly.

If repair services have declared your inverter beyond repair, don’t just throw it away. By recycling old inverters, you’re not only reducing waste but also contributing to the circular economy. This approach keeps resources in use for as long as possible, extracts the maximum value from them whilst in use, and then recovers and regenerates products and materials at the end of each service life.


Navigating the world of solar inverters can seem like a maze, but with the right knowledge, you can conquer it. Whether it’s a minor issue to repair or a sign to replace or upgrade, you’re now equipped to make an informed decision. Remember, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure – regular solar system checks can save hassle and cost down the line.

Visit to learn more about why your solar isn’t working and to book an onsite solar system inspection, today. If you would like to talk to us immediately, please call 0410 658 790 today and one of our friendly solar repair experts will help answer any questions you have.

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