Solar Panel in shade

Why isn’t my Solar System working?

Having a reliable solar system requires knowing how to fix it when it doesn’t work. This guide explains what to do if your solar system stops producing power.

Did you know that solar panels can last up to 30 years? Their long lifespan and energy-saving properties make them an excellent return on your investment. A solar system doesn’t include many moving parts, making them easy to maintain and less likely to break.

If you’re a solar owner, you likely monitor your system to see how much power it produces. The last thing you want to see is a massive downturn in your energy production. Unfortunately, a few things can result in your solar system failing to produce as much power as it usually does.

This guide will go over common solar system and solar panel problems and what to do if they’re not producing as much energy. So, to ensure your solar panel system stays productive and you get consistent energy production and savings each month, read on.

Common problems that can decrease your Solar Panel output

Below are a few common problems might result in a decrease in your solar panel energy production. Those common solar panel issues include:

  • Pollen, Dust, and Dirt: These items can accumulate on your panels, blocking the sun.
  • Pigeons: Pigeons nesting under your panels can lead to wiring concerns and droppings covering the panels.
  • Shade: Nearby trees might cover your panels with shadows.
  • Cloudy Weather: Solar panels produce less energy on cloudy days.
  • Buildings: New construction might block the sun from hitting your panels.
  • Seasonal Variation: Solar panel systems tend to have more power in the summer.
  • Malfunctioning Components: An issue with your solar inverter, wiring, or battery might reduce panel output.
  • Disconnected Components: Your wiring might get disconnected inadvertently
  • Gradual Loss of Efficiency: Solar panels slowly become less effective over time
  • Monitoring Errors: Your panel system might have issues with its monitoring system

It’s essential to identify the issue if you believe that your solar panel system isn’t producing as much energy as it usually does. The problem could be something as simple as cloudy weather. It could also be a more severe issue that requires solar inverter replacement.

It’s essential to contact a professional solar panel repair company if you notice a decrease in energy production. The technician can accurately determine the cause of your problem. They also can fix the issues without causing any further damage to your system.

Solar Panel in shade

Follow these steps to evaluate your Solar Panel System

While you should definitely rely on the professionals for solar panel maintenance, there are a few things you can do before you give them a call. A decrease in energy production likely points to a more severe problem, but you can quickly check on these minor things before calling a solar panel company.

Step One: Check Your Breakers

How many problems have you fixed by simply turning a product off and back on again? Just like fixing your internet router or computer, you should check your breaker switches if you’re having problems with your solar panels. Overloads, glitches, and surges can trip your switches, preventing solar energy from going into the grid or getting stored in your battery. Flipping the breakers back on can quickly fix this issue.

Contact our solar panel experts at Solarfix on 0497 524 407 if you’re unsure what switches you should look at or where your breaker box is.

Check Circuit Breaker

Step Two: Look for Obstructions

Solar panels require UV rays from the sun to produce electricity. Obstructions from nearby buildings or trees could cast shadows on your panels, producing less electricity. For example, your solar panel system might be five to 10 years old. When it was installed, there was likely nothing blocking the path of the sun from hitting the panels. Over time, structures could’ve gotten built, and trees could grow taller. As a result, more things prevent the sun from hitting your solar panels.

If you notice an accumulation of dust, debris, or pollen on your solar panels, it’s best practice to contact a solar panel cleaning company to clean them off. You don’t want to risk damaging your solar panels if you try to clean them yourself. The technician can also provide recommendations on any trees that might be in the way of your panels.

Step Three: Evaluate Your Inverter

One of the solar panel parts that most often encounter issues is the inverter. You solar inverter converts the electricity generated by your panels into usable electricity for your home. You can learn more about how a solar inverter works, here.

The light on your solar inverter should be green and steady. You have a problem if you see that it’s flashing, red, or yellow. You should contact Solarfix to evaluate your inverter.

Step Four: Review Your Solar Panel System’s Data

Modern solar panel systems have two ways you can review their data. They are:

  • Online through your account
  • On a digital screen

You can access graphs and data through your online account that are very detailed. The information you see will also compare the expected energy production versus what it’s doing. You might also see an annual and monthly kWh (kilowatt-hours of energy) output.

Your inverter might also show you some helpful information. You can typically find the following numbers on your inverter:

  • How much kWh has gotten produced that day
  • How many kW is getting supplied to your home
  • The amount of kWh the system has produced during its lifespan

By viewing this information, you can evaluate if the system produces the usual amount of electricity. You can also see if it’s making the same amount of energy that it did at the same time the previous year.

Contact Solarfix for Solar Panel Repairs and Maintenance

Your solar panel system should work efficiently for many years to come however, it’s recommened you keep an eye on how much energy your panels produce each month. That way, you’ll know when there’s a problem with your system that needs to get addressed.

The technicians at Solarfix are experts when it comes to repairing solar panels. Contact us today to learn more about our repair and maintenance services.

Let’s fix your Solar System issues today!

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0497 524 407

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Having trouble with your solar system? Concerned that something isn’t working as well as it should? Contact our friendly experts at SolarFix and we’ll do our best to help resolve the issue over the phone, or if needed, we will come out to your home or business and fix or service your solar panels or inverter.

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