Faulty solar system sets Brisbane home on fire.

Preventing Solar Panel Fires with Regular Solar Inspections

In QLD last year, faulty solar systems caused 60 fires. Learn how to protect your home & solar with regular inspections by solar repair experts.

You know that solar panels can save you money on electricity bills, but did you know they can also be a fire hazard?

Solar panel fires have become increasingly common in Queensland, and with new safety measures being introduced, it is important to take steps to ensure your solar panels are running safely and effectively.

Regular inspections from qualified professionals are key to preventing solar panel fires – read on to learn more about the benefits of regular solar inspections and best practices for maintenance.

Burnt solar panels on Brisbane roof caused by outdated system

Understanding Fire Risk and Solar Panels

You may be unaware of the fire risk associated with solar panels, but regular inspections can help ensure your system is running safely. Electrical safety and fire prevention should always be a top priority when it comes to managing solar panel systems.

Heat exposure and other potential hazards can cause equipment longevity issues if left unchecked. Solar panel installations need to be routinely inspected for any signs of damage or wear, as well as checked for any faulty isolators that could lead to fires.

The Queensland Fire and Emergency Service reported over 60 fires relating to solar panels last year alone – most caused by isolated components not properly maintained. Isolator models prior to 2018 have been responsible for a majority of these blazes, further emphasizing the importance of seeking solar maintenance services from certified technicians such as those at Solarfix.

Multi-hold glands were introduced in an attempt to make the isolators watertight however, they proved not effective enough, leading to the introduction of breather valves in 2018 which ventilate switches when exposed to sun heat.

Solar fires are rare but do happen occasionally – especially in older systems without regular maintenance inspections done on them. The Clean Energy Council requires that all systems older than May 2022 must have rooftop isolators installed while homes featuring solar panels made before 2018 should seek out a qualified technician for maintenance checks if they haven’t already done so.

Regularly checking your system’s performance will improve its efficiency and lifespan while helping you avoid costly emergency repairs down the line.

Benefits of Regular Solar Inspections

Regular maintenance checks by experienced solar repair professionals can save you from costly heartache, as they can identify potential issues and make sure your system is operating safely. By reducing risk through regular inspections, components such as isolators, enclosure boxes and breather valves are checked for defects or malfunctions. This proactive approach to safety helps to ensure that any potential problems are identified and rectified in a timely manner.

Solarfix is one such company with over 15 years of experience in the industry that offer a range of services including solar system, panel and inverter repairs. Their team of licensed electricians inspect all aspects of the system whilst adhering to strict safety precautions that guarantee a quality service.

As an added bonus, they also provide fixed-cost diagnostic and testing services which come without any obligation. From their 5-star rating on Google right down to their competitive pricing structure, Solarfix offers an exceptional level of customer care that makes them the ideal choice for anyone looking for reliable solar repairs.

Solarfix solar repair technician on Brisbane roof inspecting solar system

Identifying Potential Problems

By proactively inspecting components such as isolators, enclosure boxes, and breather valves, potential issues can be identified and addressed quickly to ensure the safety of your system. Solar maintenance is essential for identifying overheating dangers in panel components and making sure safety protocols are followed.

Regular inspections can also help to reduce repair costs by catching minor problems before they become major ones. It’s important to remember that solar maintenance isn’t just about reducing the risk of fires; it’s also about ensuring the longevity of your system and keeping it functioning properly.

Solar panel inspections should be done on a regular basis to ensure that your system is safe and functioning properly. Such preventative measures include:

  • Fire prevention: Installing rooftop isolators for systems older than May 2022, implementing multi-hold glands for water tightness, and introducing breather valves to ventilate switches.
  • Solar safety: Getting regular maintenance checks from qualified professionals, avoiding overloading circuits or using the wrong components, carrying out proper wiring practices when installing new equipment, and ensuring that all electrical connections are secure.
  • Quality inspections: Checking to make sure all parts are working correctly and seeking a maintenance inspection if the system is older than mid-2018.
  • System upgrades: Replacing old components with newer ones where necessary to improve performance or efficiency levels.

Solar repair professionals like Solarfix offer comprehensive inspection services, which means they will check all parts of your system including panels, inverters, isolators, connectors, and more. They have years of experience in dealing with solar power systems, so you can trust them when it comes to getting your system inspected regularly.

Taking preventative action now could save you from costly repairs down the line or, worse yet, a dangerous fire breaking out on your rooftop!

Faulty solar system sets Brisbane home on fire.

The Importance of Professional Inspections

Having a professional inspection done on your solar system can be the difference between a safe and functioning setup or an expensive fire disaster.

Preventative measures such as system regulation, safety standards, equipment checks, and panel replacement are all important components of keeping your solar panels in good working order. To achieve this level of care, it requires the experience of a trained professional.

By investing in regular maintenance inspections from an experienced technician, you can avoid costly repairs or replacements down the line due to faulty wiring or damaged panels caused by extreme weather conditions.

Not only that but having your solar energy system regularly inspected helps to keep it running at its most efficient levels. So you can get the most out of your investment while also protecting both yourself and your property from potential hazards associated with solar power systems.

Best Practices for Solar Panel Maintenance

With so much at stake, it pays to be proactive when it comes to taking the best care of your solar panels – and that starts with proper maintenance.

When selecting a panel for your system, consider its heat stress resistance capabilities and research safety regulations in your area. To help identify areas where preventative measures can be taken, speak with your solar installer and have the help design a system that works best for you.

When scheduling a routine inspection or repair service, make sure you hire someone who is CEC accredited and capable of delivering expert workmanship within a friendly customer service environment while providing competitive pricing options with no-obligation quotes.

With Solarfix’s 5-star rating and same-day services plus their fixed-cost diagnostic testing services, you can confidently rest assured that Solarfix will take extra care when inspecting your solar system.


You can help protect yourself and your family from the risk of solar panel fires by getting regular inspections. Not only will this identify potential problems, but it will ensure that your panels are running at their highest efficiency.

Professional solar system inspections are essential for ensuring that all safety measures are in place, and you should follow best practices for maintenance to keep your system running smoothly.

With these steps in place, you can trust that your solar panels will be kept safe and functioning properly—allowing you to enjoy the benefits of using renewable energy with peace of mind.

Let’s fix your Solar System issues today!

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0497 524 407

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Having trouble with your solar system? Concerned that something isn’t working as well as it should? Contact our friendly experts at SolarFix and we’ll do our best to help resolve the issue over the phone, or if needed, we will come out to your home or business and fix or service your solar panels or inverter.

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