How to get the most from your solar system

9 Ways to get the most from your Solar System

Are you planning to install solar panels or do you currently have a system? Here’s our guide to help you get the most from your new or existing solar system.

Are you considering becoming one of the 20% of Australian households that have a solar system installed?

The solar industry is growing fast, as more people come around to the benefits of installing solar panels on their property. Solar power is cheaper than electricity generated from gas and coal, saving you money on your energy bills. You can also do your part for the environment, reducing your carbon footprint.

Our tips to getting the most from your solar system

Whether you are new to solar or already have solar panels installed, you should know there are things you can do to get the most out of your solar system.

Choose a Reputable Installer

It is important that the installer you end up deciding on is a skilled and experienced installer. So we suggest following the steps below before choosing your Brisbane solar installer:

Read their reviews

We always recommend viewing the Google Reviews of the installers that have provided you quotes first and foremost. This is a great place to start your research as their customers will give you a fair insight into whether or not they are fit for the job. Another great place to review solar companies is as their reviews, like Google’s, are from verified customers.

Solar panel placement

Here in Brisbane, solar panels will absorb the most sunlight when facing or angled north. Be sure to query the salesman or saleswoman where they suggest the panels should be placed on your roof. If they can’t give you and answer or suggest the panels face the east, south or west ask them why.

Quality of the installer and their products

Unfortunately, there a lot of products on the market that are cheap and easily broken. Just as bad, there are installers that really shouldn’t be installing solar. The truth is, a shoddy installation could reduce the lifespan of your solar panels and end up costing you more than they cost to install. As Brisbane solar panel repairers, we often see damaged glass and melted panel, as well as faulty wiring that could cause fires, from these types of installations.

Keep Solar Panels Clean

Solar panels accumulate dust, dirt, and debris, such as leaves and bird droppings and nests over time. All of those can block the amount of sunlight the panels can absorb which will reduce their efficiency. You should clean your solar panels at least twice a year. You can clean them with a garden hose and soft sponge, or hire a professional solar panel cleaning service like us.

Tailor Your Energy Use

Solar energy systems produce the most electricity during the middle of the day, when the sun is shining directly on your solar panels. Try to charge your devices, such as laptops, tablets, and mobile phones and use energy-intensive appliances like dishwashers, washing machines and tumble dryers during the day. That way, you can make the best use of the free electricity your solar system generates.

A good tip is to install automatic timer switches on appliances so that they run at the most efficient times.

Install an Energy Storage System

You could also consider installing a battery system so that you can store the electricity produced during the day for use at night.

Prices for battery storage systems have dropped sharply in the last few years, making them a more affordable option for households. Technology has also developed so that you can store more energy for longer. This is a great way to further reduce the amount of electricity you need to buy from the grid. It could even make your home self-sufficient.

Use a Solar Monitoring System

There are apps available that allow you to track data on the way your solar panels perform. A solar monitoring system enables you to change your energy consumption to get the most use out of the electricity you generate. You can also install smart home systems so that you can monitor the system remotely and control appliances and lights from a mobile device.

Schedule Regular Solar Maintenance Checks

While the best solar panels need little maintenance to last for their 25-year lifespan, it’s good practice to get the system checked to make sure all the parts are in working order. If there are cracks on the panels or loose wiring, it can stop the system from running at its highest efficiency. If left unchecked, that would reduce the lifespan of the system over time.

Have you received an experience power bill?

If you notice a change in your energy bills, it could indicate a problem with the panels or an electrical fault. The best solar installer will offer a maintenance package for your convenience, so you know you’ve got it covered.

Switch to LED Lightbulbs

Older lightbulbs made with tungsten emit most of their energy as heat rather than light. Modern LED lightbulbs made with gallium are more efficient and use far less electricity. They do not heat up in the same ways as tungsten lights and they last far longer. The price of LED bulbs has dropped in the last few years, so switching to using them pays off in a shorter time.

Convert to Solar Heating

If you’re generating electricity from solar, you should consider switching to an electric boiler to use the energy for heating your water. You could even install a solar hot water system. An active solar water heater uses a heat exchanger and pumps to circulate hot water from your rooftop solar panels around your home. A passive system transfers solar energy to a hot water tank, which circulates the water. Active systems are more efficient, while passive systems cost less.

Use Solar Electricity in the Garden

You can use your solar energy to run an electric lawnmower or hedge trimmer for your garden. Developments in solar outdoor lighting technology mean solar lights are now brighter and can run for longer. Some have batteries connected that allows them to run all evening or even all night without underground wiring, so you can also use them as security lights.

You can also use solar panels to circulate hot water to your outdoor hot tub or swimming pool. And you can use surplus solar energy generated during the day to heat a garden sauna for use in the evening.

How to get the most from your Solar System

By shifting your peak energy consumption to the sunniest time of day and running as much of your home on electricity as possible, you can get the most use from your solar system. With the right care and a regular maintenance routine, your solar panels can last for decades. And using a monitoring system will ensure you get the best value while cutting your energy bills.

If you’re looking for a qualified electrician to carry out maintenance or repair on your solar system, Solarfix can help. Contact us today to book an appointment and chat with our friendly solar repair technicians about how to get the most from your solar panels.

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0497 524 407

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Having trouble with your solar system? Concerned that something isn’t working as well as it should? Contact our friendly experts at SolarFix and we’ll do our best to help resolve the issue over the phone, or if needed, we will come out to your home or business and fix or service your solar panels or inverter.

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