How to prevent Pigeons from nesting under your Solar Panels

How to prevent Pigeons from nesting under your Solar Panels

Pigeon proofing solar panels is very important to the health of your system. We explain how to keep your system safe & protect your panels from nesting birds.

The immediate consequences of pigeons nesting under your solar panels are bad enough–they’re loud, messy and unhygienic. But something you don’t find out until a few months and hundreds of dollars later is that pigeon poop is highly corrosive and damaging to solar panels.

Pesky pigeons love solar panels because they offer safety: it’s a dry, secure place with a good view of any potential predators. It’s more than likely that they’ll build their home on top of yours.

That’s why pigeon proofing solar panels is an essential investment for anyone who wants to get the best use out of their renewable energy system.

Do You Really Need It?

The damage pigeons can do to a solar panel goes deeper than it first appears, which is why you should be proactive with pigeon proofing. There are many ways pigeons can cause harm to your home, but these are the problems most seen with Brisbane solar panels:

  • Pigeon poop is highly corrosive: Pigeon waste will degrade your panels and shorten their lifespan. You may notice them working less effectively over time.
  • Pigeons are unhygienic: Birds carry diseases that are harmful to humans, which is not something you’ll want to confront without professionals.
  • Pigeon nests attract more pests: The food and scraps found around a bird’s nest attract rodents and insects that may chew through wiring or settle in your home.
  • Pigeon poop stains your roof: Aside from solar panel protection, pigeon proofing also preserves your roof, which would be another expensive cost alongside solar panel repair.

With routine cleaning and maintenance, you can prolong the life of your solar panel system, but the best way to protect your solar panels and save money in the long run is to prevent damage before it even happens.

Even if you remove them once, pigeons will keep coming back to nest. It’s best to have them professionally removed and immediately pigeon proof your solar panels so they can’t come back.

What About the Birds?

Not only are pigeons bad for your solar panels, but solar panels are bad for pigeons too. Although they’re just looking for a safe place to call home, piling nests of sticks under hot solar panels in the Australian sun is a major fire hazard. But birds can’t anticipate that.

Luckily, when our solar maintenance team climbs onto the roof of your home, pigeons will naturally fly away and wait until the coast is clear. This makes it safe and easy for professional cleaning and pigeon proofing. It’s not ideal to separate a bird from its nest, but ultimately it’s best for both your home and the pigeons.

You can also make sure to relocate pigeons in the most ethical way by removing their nest before or after they have laid eggs. Working within these time frames can prevent you from harming wildlife and also give you peace of mind.

Pigeon Proofing Solar Panels: Your Options

We recommend two simple solutions to prevent all the potential problems of pigeons nesting in your solar panels: install mesh and clean your solar panels annually.

Install Pigeon Proofing Mesh

Mesh is often the simplest and most affordable option for pigeon proofing. SolarFix mesh is eco-friendly and aesthetically almost invisible.

Pigeon proof mesh lines the edges of each solar panel to keep birds from crawling and nesting underneath them. Moreover, it blocks any leaves and debris that might collect underneath your panels, reducing fire hazards and protecting your solar panel wiring.

Mesh causes no harm to the birds or the environment, unlike chemical repellents or extermination. Safe pigeon removal combined with mesh installation prevents you from having to take these harmful steps in the future. Plus, it visually blends into your roof under the dark solar panels, protecting your home while staying out of sight and out of mind.

This preventative, one-time investment is designed to be low-maintenance while highly effective. It’s a simple solution and a smart investment for the future.

Keep Your Panels Clean

Cleanliness is key. Mesh is great for keeping pigeons and debris from collecting under your solar panels, which would otherwise attract pests to your home. In addition, keep the surface of your panels clean for optimal energy conversion over the years.

With a yearly cleaning and inspection from solar panel maintenance experts, you can rest assure that every part of your solar panel system is functioning properly. Annual check-ups will significantly extend the life of your solar panel system and improve your home.

Call In the Professionals

To make sure both your home and the pigeons are handled safely and ethically, call the people who know the business best. SolarFix handles both pigeons and solar panels quickly and professionally, ensuring long-lasting results.

Get the Most Out of Your Solar Panels

The great thing about solar panels is that they’re an investment in a more sustainable lifestyle, and the practice of pigeon proofing solar panels goes hand-in-hand with that investment. With these simple solutions, there’s no need for extra expenses at the cost of pigeons.

If you’re eager to invest in solar panel protection, SolarFix offers same-day services throughout Brisbane to pigeon-proof your roof right away. With high quality and eco-friendly mesh, professional pigeon removal, and 15 years of expertise, SolarFix is one of the best local Brisbane businesses for pigeon proofing and repairs.

If you’re still contemplating your options, try a free, no-obligation consultation to get a quote and decide what solution works best for you.

By following these solar panel preservation tips and investing in long-lasting pigeon-proof technology, you’ll have a high-quality home for years to come.

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